Boston University Case Study


The Wheelock College of Education and Human Development at Boston University is home to the first Deaf Studies program in the United States, and one of the only programs dedicated to theoretical and applied research in Deaf Education from a multilingual/multicultural perspective.

Client Objectives: Our client, the Deaf Education and Deaf Studies program, embarked on a mission to increase the prominence and recognition of their graduate programs. Specifically, their goals were threefold:

  1. Elevating Awareness of the Deaf Education Graduate Program: The client sought to shine a spotlight on their graduate program designed to empower future teachers in the field of Deaf Education. Their aim was to attract individuals passionate about making a difference in the lives of Deaf and hard of hearing students.
  2. Promoting the ASL/Deaf Studies Graduate Program: The ASL/Deaf Studies graduate program was envisioned as a gateway to a world of research opportunities, particularly in sign language acquisition and related domains. The goal was to entice prospective scholars and researchers to embark on their academic journey at Wheelock.
  3. Disseminating Vital Research Findings: Beyond academics, the Wheelock College aimed to share critical research findings on how early language experiences play a pivotal role in shaping language acquisition for deaf children. Their intention was to make these insights accessible to a broader audience, thereby contributing to advancements in Deaf Education.

The Solution: To achieve these objectives, dozanü conceptualized and executed a comprehensive awareness campaign that harnessed the power of organic social media services. This strategy leveraged the reach and influence of digital platforms to broadcast the Wheelock College’s message far and wide.

Target Audience: Our efforts were primarily directed at two key groups:

  1. Prospective Graduate Students: These were individuals actively considering graduate programs in Deaf Education, including Deaf Studies and American Sign Language (ASL). Our goal was to capture their attention and provide compelling reasons to choose Wheelock.
  2. Young Adults with a Passion for Learning: We recognized the significance of attracting individuals in their 20s and 30s who were eager to deepen their knowledge in Deaf Education. Our campaign aimed to resonate with their aspirations for personal and professional growth.

Stakeholders: Throughout this journey, we engaged with several critical stakeholders who played pivotal roles in shaping the success of our campaign:

  • Esteemed Faculty Members and Potential Employees: The faculty members and potential recruits were instrumental in providing the academic expertise and guidance required to make this campaign a reality.
  • Current Students and Prospective Applicants: The heart and soul of the Wheelock community, students, and applicants were key voices in the campaign, sharing their unique perspectives and experiences.
  • Dedicated Researchers: Researchers dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field of Deaf Education formed a crucial part of our target audience, as they were the ones who could directly benefit from the research findings and opportunities promoted by Wheelock.
  • Engaged Community Members and Visitors: Finally, the broader community and visitors who supported and engaged with Wheelock’s initiatives were integral in fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.



By The Numbers (% increase is compared to previous 3 months)


  • +685.30% reach (287,465 total)
  • +168.5% engagement (19,900 total)
  • +344.1% profile visits (13,455 total)


  • 739 new followers
  • +140.6% reach (71,070 total)
  • +72% engagement (7,300 total)
  • +11.2% profile visits (4,015 total)

Content Averages


  • 3.1K video reach
  • 2.1K static post reach
  • 167 video engagement
  • 68 static post engagement


  • 2K video reach
  • 804K static post reach
  • 141 video engagement
  • 65 static post engagement



Through a strategic collaboration between the Wheelock College of Education and Human Development at Boston University and dozanü, a transformative journey unfolded. The aim was clear: to amplify the visibility and recognition of their pioneering graduate programs in Deaf Education and Deaf Studies. This initiative, grounded in a multilingual and multicultural perspective, not only sought to empower future educators but also paved the way for groundbreaking research in sign language acquisition and early language experiences in deaf children.

The orchestrated campaign, driven by organic social media services, acted as a beacon, broadcasting BU’s message across digital platforms far and wide. By targeting prospective graduate students and impassioned young adults eager to expand their knowledge, the campaign resonated deeply with those on the cusp of their academic journey. The engagement of crucial stakeholders, from esteemed faculty members to current students, prospective applicants, dedicated researchers, and the engaged community at large, formed the bedrock of this success story. Their collective effort and enthusiasm propelled the campaign forward, nurturing a sense of belonging and shared purpose within the Wheelock community.

The tangible results stand as a testament to the effectiveness of this collaborative endeavor. The exponential growth in Facebook likes, reach, engagement, and profile visits, along with the surge in Instagram followers, reach, and engagement, paints a vivid picture of the campaign’s impact. The averages for video reach, static post reach, and engagement further underscore the resonance of the content with the target audience. In the end, this case study stands as a testament to the power of purpose-driven collaboration, leveraging digital platforms to amplify the message of groundbreaking programs. It showcases the potential for meaningful change when education, innovation, and strategic communication come together in pursuit of a common goal.

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