Marketing Acronyms You Need To Know: A Cheatsheet

We use acronyms all the time, but how well versed are you with acronyms in marketing? Don’t get tongue-tied when you hear marketing acronyms thrown around the office or in your next meeting. Keep this cheat sheet handy and you’ll be the marketing acronym expert everyone turns to for explanation!

Creative Marketing Acronyms

  • UX: User Experience
  • UI: User Interface
  • DNS: Domain Name System
  • RSS: Really Simple Syndication
  • CMS: Content Management System

Strategic Campaigning Marketing Acronyms

  • CTA: Call To Action
  • LTV: LifeTime Value
  • KPI: Key Performance Indicator(s)
  • CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

Business Development Marketing Acronyms

  • BX: Business Experience
  • CX: Customer Experience
  • SaaS: Software as a Service
  • CRM: Customer Relations Management
  • B2B/B2C: Business to Business/Business to Consumer

Social Media Marketing Acronyms

  • VR/AR: Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
  • PM/DM: Private Message/Direct Message
  • SMO: Social Media Optimization
  • UGC: User Generated Content
  • USP: Unique Selling Proposition

Digital Marketing Acronyms

  • PPC: Pay Per Click
  • CPC: Cost Per Click
  • CTR: Click Through Ratio
  • SEM: Search Engine Marketing
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization


TBH… they get more and more complex when it comes to marketing and business. Forgetting some? Fret not! Save this cheat sheet for a few marketing acronyms you need to know! G2G!

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