Accessible Marketing Is Universal Marketing

Accessible Marketing Is Universal Marketing

Graphic showing icons representing accessibility and the words, "Accessible Marketing Is Universal Marketing"

Accessible marketing is emerging as a key component of universal marketing. In this blog post, we will explore how accessible marketing is becoming synonymous with universal marketing and how niche marketing can still be accessible and universal.

First, let’s define “universal marketing”. The term “universal” in this context suggests a comprehensive and all-encompassing approac

h. Universal marketing refers to an inclusive and broad approach to marketing that aims to reach a diverse and varied audience. It emphasizes the idea that marketing strategies and content should be designed to be accessible and appealing to people from different backgrounds, abilities, and characteristics.

Basically, universal marketing means marketing that is designed to reach all audiences. Isn’t that the ultimate goal in the first place? With today’s technology and deeper understanding of various demographics, disabilities, and different needs, we have the tools to make the marketing ideal a reality.

Read our “State of Accessible Marketing” 2024 Report here

Universal Marketing Is Not One-Size-Fits-All

It’s important to recognize that “universal” does NOT equate to “one size fits all”. As customers have repeatedly made clear to brands, “one size fits all” is a flawed concept. Human beings are diverse, and rather than try to squeeze in a variety of individuals in one same mold, we should think about how to make the mold itself malleable so it fits the individual – not the other way around.

Now, how do you make your marketing truly universal? Making your marketing accessible is an essential component of it. Leading brands often not only understand that their customer base has a wide range of abilities and needs; they embrace that diversity. They take in consideration all abilities and needs throughout every step of the process.

Making your marketing accessible goes beyond just complying with legal requirements; it’sabout fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their background, can engage with and benefit from your products and services. We have developed a checklist as a starting point for your company as you plan your marketing strategy.

Get the Accessible Marketing Checklist here

Can Niche Marketing Still Be Universal Marketing?

What if you want your marketing to appeal to only a niche audience? After all, niche marketing is a valid and effective strategy.

For example, an Austin-based brewery would likely want to reach locals who are interested in craft beer. It would be an intentional and common-sense move to exclude residents from other states in their marketing (unless they are in town visiting). A Black-owned hair product company probably would only be interested in marketing to Black people. A business that mails subscription boxes of toys for children would like to target families, especially mothers, with young kids. And so on forth.

Let’s discuss how niche marketing can still be universal. We recommend evaluating your niche strategy to ensure that within your niche marketing you are not unintentionally excluding your target audience based on their disabilities or other demographics that may have been overlooked.

For example, let’s say you are a business that provides training for life coaches. You offer self-paced online courses that coaches can purchase and take in their own time. You sell books on this topic. You also match coaches with mentors and host webinars on your website.

Perhaps your target audience is life coaches who are digitally-savvy, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and have specific trainings and certifications. Within this niche marketing, there is still a wide variety of demographics, including disabilities, race, gender, location, and more.

There are inevitably going to be life coaches who fit your target audience that happen to be blind. And/or deaf. Or live in a rural area. And/or are a race that experiences frequent oppression in our society. Et cetera.

Making your niche marketing remains accessible and universal means things like:

  • Ensuring that your content is accessible with screen readers, transcripts, captions, and description
  • Reducing website load time for users living in areas with slow Internet speed
  • Being mindful about any potentially insensitive language or harmful depictions of a group of people
  • And so much more!


In conclusion, accessible marketing is, in essence, universal marketing. As we strive for a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach to reach diverse audiences, it’s crucial to understand that “universal” doesn’t translate to “one size fits all.” Embracing diversity is not about fitting everyone into the same mold but rather making the mold adaptable to each individual’s unique needs. Achieving universal marketing involves recognizing the nuances within niche strategies and ensuring that, even within a targeted approach, accessibility remains a priority.

If you’re ready to make your marketing truly accessible, contact us today and let’s work together towards a more inclusive future.


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